tdl backup

tdl backup #

Backup your data

tdl backup [flags]

Options #

  -d, --dst string   destination file path. Default: <date>.backup.tdl
  -h, --help         help for backup

Options inherited from parent commands #

      --debug                        enable debug mode
      --delay duration               delay between each task, zero means no delay
  -l, --limit int                    max number of concurrent tasks (default 2)
  -n, --ns string                    namespace for Telegram session (default "default")
      --ntp string                   ntp server host, if not set, use system time
      --pool int                     specify the size of the DC pool, zero means infinity (default 8)
      --proxy string                 proxy address, format: protocol://username:password@host:port
      --reconnect-timeout duration   Telegram client reconnection backoff timeout, infinite if set to 0 (default 5m0s)
  -s, --size int                     part size for transfer, max is 512*1024 (default 524288)
      --storage stringToString       storage options, format: type=driver,key1=value1,key2=value2. Available drivers: [legacy,bolt,file] (default [type=bolt,path=/home/runner/.tdl/data])
      --test string                  use test Telegram client, only for developer
  -t, --threads int                  max threads for transfer one item (default 4)


  • tdl - Telegram Downloader, but more than a downloader