
Forward #

Forward messages with automatic fallback and message routing

One-liner to forward messages from to Saved Messages:

tdl forward --from

Custom Source #

Message Link Examples
  • ... (File a new issue if you find a new link format)

You can forward messages from links and exported JSON files:

tdl forward \
--from \
--from \
--from tdl-export.json \
--from tdl-export2.json

Custom Destination #

CHAT Examples
  • @iyear
  • iyear
  • 123456789 (ID)
  • +1 123456789 (Phone)

Specific Chat #

Forward to specific one chat:

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --to CHAT

Message Routing #

Forward to different chats by message router which is based on expression.

List all available fields:

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --to -

Forward to CHAT1 if message contains foo, otherwise forward to Saved Messages:

You must return a string or struct as the target CHAT, and empty string means forward to Saved Messages.
tdl forward --from tdl-export.json \
--to 'Message.Message contains "foo" ? "CHAT1" : ""'

Forward to CHAT1 if message contains foo, otherwise forward to reply to message/topic 4 in CHAT2:

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json \
--to 'Message.Message contains "foo" ? "CHAT1" : { Peer: "CHAT2", Thread: 4 }'

Pass a file name if the expression is complex:


Write your expression like switch:

Message.Message contains "foo" ? "CHAT1" :
From.ID == 123456 ? "CHAT2" :
Message.Views > 30 ? { Peer: "CHAT3", Thread: 101 } :
tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --to router.txt

Mode #

Forward messages with automatic fallback strategy.

Available modes:

  • direct (default)
  • clone

Direct #

Prefer to use official forward API.

If the chat or message is not allowed to use official forward API, it will be automatically downgraded to clone mode.

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --mode direct

Clone #

Forward messages by copying them, which doesn’t have forwarded header.

Some message content can’t be copied, such as poll, invoice, etc. They will be ignored.

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --mode clone

Edit #

Edit the message before forwarding based on expression.

  • You must pass the first message of grouped photos to edit the caption.
  • You can pass any message of grouped documents to edit the corresponding comment.

You can reference relevant fields from the original message in the expression.

List all available fields:

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --edit -

Append Test Forwarded Message to the original message:

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --edit 'Message.Message + " Test Forwarded Message"'

Write styled message with HTML:

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --edit \
'Message.Message + `<b>Bold</b> <a href="">Link</a>`'

Pass a file name if the expression is complex:

repeat(Message.Message, 2) + `
<a href="">Google</a>
<a href="">Bing</a>
<pre><code class="language-go">
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("hello world")
` + From.VisibleName
tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --edit edit.txt

Dry Run #

Print the progress without actually sending messages, which is useful for message routing debugging.

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --dry-run

Silent #

Send messages without notification.

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --silent

No Grouped Detection #

By default, tdl will detect grouped messages and forward them as an album.

You can disable this behavior by --single to forward it as a single message.

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --single

Descending Order #

Forward messages in descending order for each source.

tdl forward --from tdl-export.json --desc